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Holidays with flags

4.8 ( 3648 ratings )
Бізнесс Продуктивність
Розробник: Devart B.V.

Select holidays and insert them into the calendar of your choice. The holidays will be added as all-day events so you can edit or delete them (they are not subscribed events). You can also choose to add the country flag. Saves you a lot typing!

Once added all holidays can be easily edited, deleted or shifted to another calendar and synced with iCal, Google, Outlook, iCloud, etc


- Add country flags.
- Select individual holidays you want to add.
- Insert into a calendar of your choice (home, work).
- Apply your selection across all years.

- Duplicate Detector, deletes duplicates caused by overlapping calendars.
- Unique Holiday Cleaner.
- No subscriptions, you buy the holidays of one year for all calendars.

The calendars are in their countries language, english translations can be found in the notes or between brackets.


- Argentina - Feriados de Argentina
- Australia - Australian Holidays
- Austria - Österreichische Feiertage
- Belgium - Feestdagen België - Fêtes Belges
- Brazil - Feriados Brasileiros
- Canada - Canadian Holidays - Fêtes Canadiennes
- Chile - Días festivos Chile
- China - 在中国的公众假期
- Colombia - Días festivos Colombia
- Costa Rica - Días feriados en Costa Rica
- Czech Republic - Česká republika svátky
- Denmark - Danske helligdage og mærkedage
- Finland - Suomalaiset juhlapäivät
- France - Fêtes Françaises
- Germany - Deutsche Feiertage
- Greece - Επίσημες αργίες Ελλάδα
- Hong Kong - Hong Kong Holidays - 香港公眾假期
- Hungary - Magyarországi ünnepek
- India - Indian Public Holidays
- Indonesia - Indonesian Public Holidays
- Ireland - Irish Holidays
- Israel - חגים בישראל
- Italy - Festività Italiane
- Japan - 日本の祝祭日
- Korea - 대한민국 공휴일
- Luxembourg - Luxembourg jours fériés
- Malaysia - Malaysian Holidays
- Malta - Malta Public Holidays
- Mexico - Días festivos en México
- Morocco - الأعياد العامة في المغرب
- Netherlands - Nederlandse Feestdagen
- New Zealand - New Zealand Holidays
- Norway - Norske merkedager
- Panama - Dias festivos Panamá
- Peru - Dias festivos Peru
- Poland - Polskie święta
- Portugal - Feriados Portugal
- Romania - Romania Public Holidays
- Russia - Русские праздники
- Singapore - Singapore Public Holidays
- South Africa - South African Holidays - Suid-Afrika Vakansiedae
- Spain - Días Festivos España
- Suriname - Surinaamse Feestdagen
- Sweden - Svenska Högtidsdagar
- Switzerland - Feiertage Schweiz, Fêtes Suisse
- Taiwan - 在台湾的公众假期
- Thailand - วันหยุดสาธารณะแห่งประเทศไทย
- Turkey - Türkiyedeki bayramlar
- United Kingdom - UK Holidays
- United States - US Holidays

- Buddhist, Christian, Hindu, Islamic, Jewish, Orthodox Christian and Pagan festivals.

Week numbers you can add with our app: Week Numbers - ISO / European, US, Middle East, Simple, Custom Pro.

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